Rabbi Kook

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Aviad Har-TuvA Love that does not Corrupt
Rabbi Kook's love for the Jewish people was the result of penetrating and divine insight into this people's true essence.
  • The Main Purpose of Clothes
    The gemara continues to look at Aramaic words, looking at similarities to other words.
  • Surprising Source of Happiness
    The gemara continues to look at Aramaic words, looking at similarities to other words.
  • Lest a House Function Like a Hut
    The gemara continues to look at various Aramaic words, seeing them as (informal) contractions of two words
  • Looking for a Way Out
    The Gemara now looks at various Aramaic words, seeing them as (informal) contractions of two words
  • Hashem Said "Stop" for Good Reasons
    Why does a camel have a short tail? Because it eats thorns.
  • Symbiotic Relationship of Modesty
    Why are the [sexual organs] of [sheep] covered, and those [of goats] are not covered. Those which we use to cover ourselves are covered; those which we do not use are uncovered.
  • Hide When You Contribute
    Why is the tail of the goat uncovered and the tail of the sheep covered? Those whose hair is used to cover us, have their tail covered. Those which we do not use to cover us, are uncovered.
  • The Light Brings Up the Rear
    Why do the goats walk at the front of the flock and are then followed by the sheep? Rav Yehuda answered: It is like the normal pattern in the world: first come the darker matters (most goats have black hair), which is followed by the lighter matters (most sheep are white haired).
  • Broad Knowledge for those on the Verge, Not Beyond it
    Rav Zeira found Rav Yehuda when he was by the entrance of his father-in-law’s home. He saw that Rav Yehuda was in a happy mood and that if he asked him any question about anything “in space” (i.e., in the world), he would give the answer.
  • The Wisdom of Creation and Connecting between Its Parts
    Nothing that Hashem created in His world was for naught. … He created: a fly [to heal one who was stung by] a wasp; a mosquito for [one who was bitten by] a snake; a snake for [one who is afflicted by] boils; and a samamit for [one who was bitten by] a scorpion.
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